Tchaikovsky's Testament

CD album cover 'Tchaikovsky's Testament' (GEN 24880) with Evgenia Rubinova

GEN 24880 EAN: 4260036258806

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Peter Tchaikovsky's Testament: These are the 18 Pieces, Op. 72, which the great Russian composer crafted for the piano just a year before his death – and they transcend any sense of idealism or otherworldliness. They are vibrant, soulful musical character portraits, brought to life anew on a new GENUIN album and under the magical fingers of the internationally acclaimed pianist Evgenia Rubinova. This final, comprehensive piano opus by Tchaikovsky comprises a treasury of miniature masterpieces, unfairly overshadowed by the global fame of works like the "Pathétique" and the "Nutcracker", both of which emerged during the same period: from nostalgic reveries to homages to great colleagues and even to outright miniature ballets!

Evgenia Rubinova Piano

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Peter Tchaikovsky's Testament: These are the 18 Pieces, Op. 72, which the great Russian composer crafted for the piano just a year before his death – and they transcend any sense of idealism or otherworldliness. They are vibrant, soulful musical character portraits, brought to life anew on a new GENUIN album and under the magical fingers of the internationally acclaimed pianist Evgenia Rubinova. This final, comprehensive piano opus by Tchaikovsky comprises a treasury of miniature masterpieces, unfairly overshadowed by the global fame of works like the "Pathétique" and the "Nutcracker", both of which emerged during the same period: from nostalgic reveries to homages to great colleagues and even to outright miniature ballets!

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Peter Tchaikovsky's Testament: These are the 18 Pieces, Op. 72, which the great Russian composer crafted for the piano just a year before his death – and they transcend any sense of idealism or otherworldliness. They are vibrant, soulful musical character portraits, brought to life anew on a new GENUIN album and under the magical fingers of the internationally acclaimed pianist Evgenia Rubinova. This final, comprehensive piano opus by Tchaikovsky comprises a treasury of miniature masterpieces, unfairly overshadowed by the global fame of works like the "Pathétique" and the "Nutcracker", both of which emerged during the same period: from nostalgic reveries to homages to great colleagues and even to outright miniature ballets!